
What's the Overlap Problem when Counting Objects

Amit Kumar

Amit Kumar


Dec 15, 2022

Cover image of the What's the Overlap Problem when Counting Objects video, Occupancy Management, Episode 12, Dragonfruit Learning Series

What’s the Overlap Problem when counting objects, and how does it lead to inaccurate counts? Watch the 2-minute video from Dragonfruit’s Learning Series to find out.

Solutions that don't consider relative positioning of cameras are inaccurate when multiple cameras are installed.

Given a physical space with two (or more) cameras, it’s common to have an overlapping region. Unless you de-dupe these views, you’re counting people multiple times.

With Dragonfruit, each camera view is mapped to a 2D map – interior or exterior. It’s not only pinpointing where a camera is installed, it's actually mapping the view of the camera to the physical region it's observing.

Our patent-pending technology provides automatic de-duping and superior counting accuracy.

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